When we designed woodlabSTUDIO, we focused on those who 'would use it. Each feature has been designed to simplify the design and optimize the time for production.
We had this idea: give maximum freedom to those who create and let woodlab do the technical implementation work.woodLAB®STUDIO.
Giovanni Germanetto
In Belgium and France and some European countries, our reseller for 22 years, wood-it.be Srl provides sales, support and training.
or wood machining centers, whether it is a traditional machine (3 axes, pods and rails) or a machine with a nesting table.
Recently, new connectors (Cabineo de Lamello, Häfele, FixCHIP...) open new horizons for these machines and for small joineries.
Our software is designed and created for 21st century joiners equipped with a numerical control machine. Thanks to its modularity, woodlab®STUDIO can adapt to any need.
We tell you this in 4 points:
Thanks to the control you exercise over the entire design process of your project, you quickly and error-free create complex or simple furniture by dropping predefined components designed by yourself and not by the application. It is your design and manufacturing typology that must be able to be used at any time..
In addition to rectangular parallelepiped furniture, woodlab®STUDIO provides a library of complex predefined volumes with unusual faces. Thanks to the management of nested volumes and a powerful trimming tool, you can create panels with added angles and miters in one click without any calculation on your part!